Hydrogen Import Alliance Austria
The HIAA (Hydrogen Import Alliance Austria) is an initiative of eight leading Austrian energy companies, infrastructure operators and hydrogen offtakers, primarily from industry.
The member companies consider the import of green hydrogen as an essential contribution to achieving climate targets and securing Austria as an industrial business location. Their common goal is to enable hydrogen imports to Austria via pipelines by 2030 and beyond—in order to cover the significantly increasing demand for green hydrogen in the long term.
The HIAA companies support activities along the value chain to enable the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy in Austria and to ensure a secure and diversified supply.
Our goals
The HIAA companies want to contribute to the development of a competitive hydrogen supply in Austria by 2030 and help pave the way for a functioning hydrogen market.
Our position
In the current position paper (in German), the HIAA companies have worked out which measures are necessary for the rapid development of import corridors for green hydrogen in Austria.